
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Joke of the day 3

Who had the best dream?

The Mexican Man, British man, & African man, were walking in the desert and after many miles. they found a lunchpack. In the lunchpack there was a big bottle of water, a large piece of meat, and a big piece of bread. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough to feed the 3 men so, they came to a agreement that they should sleep on it, and whoever has the best dream will win the food. The next morning when they awoke the Mexican & African men looked at the British man & asked, "what did u dream? The British man said,i dream I visited the queen in the royal palace, They both were amused by his dream, Next, the British & African men looked @ the Mexican man and asked "What did you dream?" he told them, I dream that I met this fine senorita, We married & had 3 kids, they were amused by his dream. The mexican & british men looked @ the africa man and asked, What did you dream? the african man looked them in the eyes and said..... I dream that i was in this dry dessert and while walking a stumbled across this lunch sack so i looked inside and found 1 lg bottle water, 1 big piece of meat, and 1 big piece of bread, it seemed weird because I thought I was sleep walking, but the funny thing is it was actually reality.